Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Tutorial Five: Video Production Sessions

The focus of this fifth blog is to post videos related to a chosen topic of interest.

Provide a brief summary of the services offered by youtube:

Youtube is a commonly used video hosting and sharing service that Google purchased in 2006. This service allows the individual to view and uploads video files for free (About.com, 2011). It not only allows the individual to upload videos it also let's the individual rate videos, add comments. To use this service all you need to do is register using a current email. Go to http://www.youtube.com/ to sign up now or view videos.

Introduce a chosen topic of interest drawn from your fieldwork experience, an OT practice area or a personal occupation:

My chosen topic of interest drawn from my first fieldwork experience is the condition of Multiple Sclerosis.
See below for the five sources of online videos taken from YouTube, explaining the condition.

This video below explains Multiple Sclerosis  (MS) scientifically.

This second video below is of a MS nurse explaining the disease and some of the symptons people who have MS may experience.

This touching mini documentary below is about Dan Powell, an art professor at University of Oregon who is living with MS.

This video below is of exercises that people with MS can use, led by Mr Motivator. Exercises for standing, sitting or lying down. The DVD can be bought from www.mstrust.org.uk/moveit

This last video is all about using pilates techniques for people with MS. Check it out!!


About.com. (2011). YouTube Explained - Overview of the Google Video Sharing Tool. Retrieved March 23, 2011 from: http://google.about.com/od/moreaboutgoogleaps/p/youtubeprofile.htm


  1. Hi Alex. I see you are making good use of your blog. Intellectual property - whose intellectual property is it when used within an organisation? Keep up the good work. Hilary:)

  2. these videos are really interesting alex, you have given a good range of information on ms!

  3. Thankyou Hayley! I found this an interesting topic to look into. I am looking forward to reading yours!
